Helping in the Community

Being a long established dental practice in the heart of Redditch, we realise the connections that we have in this family area. We all want our children to grow up to know how to care for their teeth and so that they have healthy smiles for a lifetime. It is because of this, we believe that we have an important responsibility to help promote and educate within the community.

Recently, the Redditch Beavers, invited Martin & Tina to help them gain one of their badges for health. It was a fun experience to take a talk with this great group which had lots of questions. We had a quiz for two of the children at the end and they were able to get almost all of my questions right. We have been invited back for next year’s group and I may need to consider making my questions more difficult for such brainy children!

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Lesley Spencer, Beaver Scout Leader said "the beavers thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Martin and Tina, they asked some really interesting questions and I think we all learnt something new". 

We all know that sugar is bad for our teeth, but I could see that almost all of the children learnt a lot of important messages about how to keep their teeth healthy. It is a sad fact that the most common reason for a general anaesthetic in the UK is for children to have decayed teeth removed. Prevention is always better than a cure. By taking your child to the dentist from a young age allows your dentist to ensure that we can give you both the right information to help protect their teeth. Two free and preventative treatments we routinely provide are: -

  • Fissure sealants. Applying a tiny plastic coating in the crevice on the biting surfaces of the back teeth is quick, harmless and pain free. Also, it reduces your child’s risk of needing fillings by 50%!

  • Fluoride varnish. Applying fluoride varnish twice yearly reduces your child’s risk of needing fillings by 30%. It simply acts to re-strengthen parts of the teeth which have started to decay.

